Cedar Hill Collegiate High School is a nationally ranked school that provides students with not only a high school diploma, but an Associates degree in Art or Science. Students complete rigorous high school and college classes at the same time. Because of these factors, it is the highest ranked school in Cedar Hill and 76th in the nation (Newsweek 2015). Because of the hard work students must do to graduate, they have very little time for play. Although some students dream of being able to play on a sports team, due to all high school sports programs being at the regular high school, many cannot participate because of time commitment.
As a solution, myself and 2 other seniors designed a winter basketball program focused on high school students which will take place February 20th-24 2017. Our basketball program will consist of group exercise, learning basic principles of basketball, and sportsmanship. The goal of the program is not push athleticism upon the students, but to give them a team experience of which to better their communication and teamwork skills.
We are very adamant in our pursuit to support students with a will to play despite financial ability. We're currently looking for sponsors who would be willing to help us reach this goal. 100% of all received will go directly to students. Whether you wish to drive customers to your business, entertain potential customers or just align yourself with an community outreach program, we can fulfill the need.
Some of the ways we could benefit your business through a sponsorship are:
Hand-delivery of a marketing brochure, coupon or card to parents
Sponsors to be included in media photographs
Raffle or door prize
We are also open to any suggestions you may have in regards to making a sponsorship work for both of us.
The organizers for this event are Elizabeth McCray, Kameron Miles, and Kiara Thompson. We are all seniors at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School and are dedicated to improving our community.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer2 available packages from US$50
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/cedar-hill-collegiate-high-school-winter-camp-basketball-cedar-hillHello! We are willing to accept any kind or donation! All donors will be thanked during halftime.
10 available
The flyers will be seen by over 500 high school students as well as staff at the main campus as well as many adults at Cedar Valley College.
10 available