Powered by CBD Health and Wellness Magazine, CBD Expo TOUR 2019 is the largest CBD event platform to broadcast your products with the community and share your CBD knowledge with the industry. This tour will feature hundreds of exhibitors, along with substantial lineups of speaker presentations and panel discussions from experts in the research, technology, production, globalization, and sale of CBD products. There are plenty of interactive demos and engaging workshops/forums. All highly educational, half B2B and half B2C.
The Original CBD Expo Tour Partners & their participation in our niche and largest compilation of Cannabis Specific Expos will be the most effective as a marketing tool. Our Partners can access a wide range of target audiences and decision makers because our Media / Press is unmatched, with a massive B2B following, and powered by CBD Health and Wellness Magazine, for paralleled exposure on multiple fronts. Our Partners power the conferences and in return, we create a space of absolute successes. Average Partnerships tenfold their investment from one show. This is the year of Cannabis and no better way to claim stake in market share than to join the first and largest CBD Expo Tour, powered by CBD Health and Wellness Magazine, and take your business to the next level.
Celeste Miranda is a seasoned marketing professional who has gathered significant notoriety in the cannabis industry over the past 6 years (10 additional in mainstream marketing). She has taken many cannabis start-ups through very successful launches, gaining unmatched exposure for what are now some of the largest industry brands. Celeste is a frequent speaker on marketing in the cannabis industry at some of the largest cannabis industry expos and events.
She has pioneered the most renowned and highly-educational cannabis publications in the industry starting with Terpenes & Testing / Extraction Magazine, Cannabis Compliance & Packaging News, and the most recent being CBD Health & Wellness Magazine. She also produces events such as Terpenes & Testing World Conference 2018, the entire CBD Expo Tour, CONCENTRATION 2019: a Cannabis Extraction Conference, CannaFarm Con, and the Cannabinoid + Natural Products Expo all powered by her publications. She sits on several boards within the cannabis industry including the Cannabis Cultural Association, CALM, and MC4MS.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from US$1 to US$3
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/cbd-expo-west-san-diegoSwag Bag Partner (qty 1) / Badge Partner (qty 1) / Program Guide Partner (qty 1) / Water Bottle Partner (qty 1) / Registration Partner (qty 1) / Video Partner (qty 1) / Hand Sanitizer Partner (qty 1) / Speaker Room Partner (qty 1) / Panel Room Partner (qty 1) / Pen and Notepad Partner (qty 1) / Stand Up Banner Partner (qty 20) / Chair Drop Partner (qty 35)
1 available
Exclusive Lab Testing Partnership (qty 1) / Exclusive Lanyard Partnership (qty 1) / Exclusive After Party Partnership (qty 1) / Exclusive Media Wall Partnership (qty 1) / Exclusive Demo Stage Partnership (qty 1) / Exclusive Morning Coffee Partnership (qty 1)
1 available
HEADLINE Partner (qty 1) / PLATINUM Partner (qty 1) / GOLD Partners (qty 3) / SILVER Partners (qty 5) / BRONZE Partners (qty 7)
1 available