Sun, Dec 03 - Tue, Dec 05 2017


Philippines Philippines

  • About the event

    We belong to an group known as: The Saints and Sinners of Capiz (TSSC)-a group of young and active citizens dedicated to create positive change in our society. Our group coordinates with young volunteers in extending financial aid and gift giving to the less fortunate/poor individuals and charitable institutions. This is aimed to build, practice and develop social responsibility in our community.  


                Consistent with our goals and objectives, we have organized an event dubbed as “BATTLE

    MASTERS 2017” slated on December 3, 2017 at Dinggoy Roxas Civic Center  to co-incide with SINADYA SA HALARAN 2017 a major event in Capiz, Roxas City. Our group will highlight the competitions by: the bands, artists, barbers and tattoo works and we have invited foreign competitors from  Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan,  Europe and others. On said occasion,  Capiznon cultural dance and other traditions will be featured meant to promote the local and national tourism. We will provide CASH prizes, trophies cirtificates and Plaques for participants and presentors.  


    Why should you sponsor?

    because its the First in our city, ive organize every event with a righteous mission... to educate our people about the arts,...(TATTOO BATTLE,BARBER BATTLE,BATTLE OF THE BANDS)  i say with my good intentions god is my shoulder, my helping hand... profits will have to go to the poorest pepole here in our public hospital, to the Ladies of Charities home of the aged, and all the way gift giving to those less previledge young childrens here in our town..

    To lead my fellow peple  to become kind and be compassionate...Sharing on this Yuletide season... by setting an example.as a tattoo artist i thank the lord i can have extra to share...if you will support me... we can share our blessings to humanity ... little by little, but it does makes a big difference living in this world... 

    Ryan Abela

    I am Ryan Alba Abela... i Am a Tattoo artist... 35 years old, ... i stand in what i believe... what ever is the right thing to do..with or without help i will do my best to help others when ever i can. 
       i can only only garantee you im just an ordinary person... i have nothing but a good heart and my will to achieve goodness.  i am really hoping for your support in any way or anything we will heartily appreciate... 
        thank you nad god bless us all

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$500 to US$1000

Logo on Flyer

1. Exclusivity in your category 2. Your company Logo on event tarpulins to be put on different designated area in the city 3. We will incorporate your company name and logo in our social media campaign leading up to and during the festival 4. A year long and continued co-branding exposure associating your company with BATTLE MASTERS II every time our website is used, including your name, logo and website links. 5. Acknowledgement of company name as Saint and Sinners Event Partner/Major sponsor of the said event. 6. Your company name and logo include in all our advertisement (Tarpaulins’, poster, FB Ads and event tshirts) 7. Free online hype to our facebook fan page 8. Dedicated airtime Acknowledgement for your company during the event. 9.A booth for your company prominently positioned for maximum exposure. 10. Your company ads featured on a repeating main screen video loop the night of the festival. 11. VIP PASSES for your company representative. 12. Sponsor will be able to do flyers during the event. 13. Plaque and Certificates for Making a Difference towards a better Community

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In Kind
Drink Sponsor

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