We recently were co sponsored by city of Phoenix for a Día del niño community event. During this event we saw the need in many of the families in the community around verde park (Garfield neighborhood) we want to host a back to school event and provide free backpacks, haircuts, school supplies, medical check ups. Also have free food and beverages for the families in a healthy environment. We need sponsors and partners to make this possible. We are working on becoming a non profit but we are not one yet and that makes it difficult for us to receive help.
Our back to school event is a community event no one but the people in need will benefit from this. Many of us have the capability to help and make a greater impact in the poor communities in Phoenix. The children are the next generation and many of them do not pursue their dreams because of financial problems by sponsoring this event we can ease that burden and make a difference. If we don't start with our children in our community how can we have a greater Phoenix in a future. They need to know someone cares about their future.
We are just a group of people from a local church that want to make a difference. We got tired of sitting in our chairs we need to stand get out and help. We don't look for own benefit but of others. We don't ask for money but for sponsors and partners to help us make a difference.
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