Sat, Feb 16 2019

A Royal Ball,

Columbus, Indiana, United States Columbus, Indiana, United States

  • About the event

    Royalty Athletix is a champion level competitive cheer gym that is starting it's 4th season. We are hosting an 'open to the public' dance called "A Royal Ball" this upcoming Valentine’s day weekend. We will be hosting a family event with dinner, dancing, music and more. The funds generated from the tickets sold will be distributed among the athletes accounts. We are looking for support to ensure our guests have an evening to remember. 



    Why should you sponsor?

    Each season our teams start out with numerous children whose families want to give them the experience of a competitive team sport. Each time our teams compete, they have the chance to win an option to compete at a higher-level event... they win a 'bid' or invitation to compete. These bids are sometimes paid for (1st place only), other times they are partially paid for and others they are invited but the full cost falls onto the gym and ultimately on the parents just to attend the event. When you receive an invitation, it is expected of you to show. Travel costs are never covered for these expenses. Very often what happens is some of our families have a life changing events that no longer allows them to afford this added cost. It is our goal to raise finances to allow ALL athletes to stay together and compete as a team. As a child growing up, I know what it was like to be left out of what my friends were doing because we didn't have the funds for me to join. This is something we hope no child must live through. We work very hard to ensure that it doesn't happen. Life changes happen, and people come and go, but we hope no child must leave because of money. Unfortunately, in a child's understanding all they comprehend is... we were good, they invited us, and I can't be a part of the team anymore. Your support will have a lasting effect on these children’s lives. Being on a team sport can greatly affect a child's well-being, enrich their life and help create well rounded adults. We can all agree that this next generation needs to have good heads on their shoulders. 

    Carissa Rusin

    My name is Carissa Rusin. I am a Cheer Mom. Here is a recent post I made on Facebook. This is my true heart. 

    Last year Amaiyah joined competitive cheer at Royalty Athletix . I can honestly tell you, I had so many reservations about cheer... modesty for one. vanity for another. (personal struggles for her) and a whole bunch of other reasons why cheer wouldn't be a good fit for our family... but, cheer spoke to Amaiyah's heart and seemed to fit her personality (like PB and J match)... so, I thought "we'll try it"...Joe agreed, but with a few small reservations... Ballet was too graceful - softball was to dirty - gymnastics was not bling-y enough. #bowsmatter

    In the past year, a few very amazing things have happened and I wanted to share them with you... because as I reflect -I'm amazed at how closed minded I was and how the Lord has opened my heart.

    1. My girly girl found an appropriate outlet for her desire to wear bling - yes, there is a time and place NOT to wear bling. ;)
    2. I found a reason to say "No, you are to only wear such and such to cheer" Which has totally helped curve her natural tendency for vanity and honestly, the desire to be nude-like.
    3. She feels like she belongs to something bigger than herself and our family.
    4. She is learning how to work in a team, on a team, for a team all by being the best she can be and supporting her new friends.
    5. I have seen more Jesus in that gym and with our gym family than I have seen in some of the churches we have attended. Most of them really. #behishandsandfeet
    6. She is getting physical activity - learning self-control - learning how to support others and cheer them on - she is learning how to listen to directions--- and so much more.
    7. Since she was on an exhibition team, we only went to 4 events - which was so not overwhelming for our family, but we still get to encourage those who went to The Title in Atlanta and Nationals in FL.
    8. Her siblings have become her biggest fans. (other than Daddy and Mommy)

    Thank you Jesus for humbling my heart so I can see that you really can work in any arena of life. Including competitive cheer.

    I'm so excited to see what the 2018-2019 season brings. Stephen is going to join in the fun this year too!
    If you are wanting your child to be in an individual skill building team sport (I made that term up)- this.is.awesome.


    It isn't just Cheer that has stolen my familes heart, but the life changing skills that all the athletes are learning at Royalty Athletix... that is the difference between our gym and another. That is why reaching out to our community is so important. 

    Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me and my family.


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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$75 to US$500


For a Cash Donation of $75 you will receive: - Link to your business on our website www.royaltyathletix.net - Business name and link on our Facebook Event Page - Announcement by our DJ During the Event

5 available


For a Cash Donation of $125 you will receive: - Link to your business on our website www.royaltyathletix.net - Business name and link on our Facebook Event Page - Announcement by our DJ During the Event - Business Name on banners in the gym and in the parent’s lounge - Business Name on our Facebook Ad promoting event

10 available


For a Cash Donation of $300 - Link to your business on our website www.royaltyathletix.net - Business name and link on our Facebook Event Page - Announcement by our DJ During the Event - Business Name on banners in the gym and in the parent’s lounge - Business Name on our Facebook Ad promoting event - Business Name on the back of 25 T-Shirts worn by cheer parents throughout the year in Columbus, Indiana and surrounding areas

10 available

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