Sat, Jan 23 2016

8UP Dance Competition,

Macon, Georgia, United States Macon, Georgia, United States

  • About the event

    All styles Hip Hop dance competition in middle Georgia introduced last year 8up by the S.O.S turning street dance into the professional sport it should be 8up has easily become a dominant force in the dance world being partnered and or helped by , the Paul mittchell world of dance, city of Bibb/macon, the state of georgia via georgia tourism, Bibb board of education, Mercer university, Macon arts alliance, and many local buisnesses. 

    Why should you sponsor?

  • 51-100 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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5 available packages from US$10 to US$500


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Be Known as the one who made sure everyone 8 up !

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Usually we like to give gift bags and prizes to the dancers, we would love to continue this tradition .

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