Wed, Jun 15 - Sun, Jun 19 2022

aluCinArte 2022,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • About the event

    • A national festival and conference of the Latinx visual, performance, and media arts representing producers, presenters, and distributors from across Canada and beyond.

    • A five-day event featuring outstanding keynotes, interactive discussions, film

    screenings, performances, workshops, and media art installations at venues across Toronto.

    • An innovative training opportunity for not-for-profit arts workers and individual artists to engage with leaders in their field and connect with both the Canadian and international media arts community.

    • A vital meeting place of independent media artists from across Canada and beyond, and from diverse cultural communities, in order to encourage networking and collaboration between artists and organizations to develop supportive community partnerships, dialogue, and exchange.

    Why should you sponsor?

    This will mark the first time in over 25 years that a national conference and festival of this magnitude has been held in Toronto, generating tremendous levels of community, industry, and media attention. Organized by Southern Currents, this event features screenings, live music and dance performances, exhibitions, workshops, and panel presentations on topics important to the Latinx media arts sector. The event plays a vital role in supporting independent Latinx artists while showcasing cutting-edge works that reflect authentic stories from diverse communities.

    Two large-scale editions of aluCinArte took place in the past but the costs of off-screen projects impaired the continuation of such initiatives until today. With a generous grant from the Department of Canadian  Heritage, we aim to bring back a festival that not only focuses on film but in a program that is inclusive and multidisciplinary.

    Lucy Reddy

    Meet Our Team!

    Sinara Perdomo - Artistic Director

    at aluCine21 Sept 29 - Oct 2 2021

    We stand apart as one of the most comprehensive forums for independent Latin media makers in North America, with a deep focus on works from artists across Canada and the globe. We at aluCine always strive to be an accessible festival with PWYC events and discounted tickets for seniors and students, and this year is no different – all programming is FREE! Many thanks to the artists for trusting us with your work, gracias to our loyal audience, and a big GRACIAS to our community partners who make an effort to ensure that the Festival reaches new audiences increasingly and steadily. Thanks to the #aluCine21 team; this year’s festival wouldn’t be possible without your incredible dedication.


    Aaron Brown - Programming Manager

    at aluCine21 Sept 29 - Oct 2 2021

    When aluCine first began the process of programming our films for 2021, our programming team knew that we wanted to create something particularly beautiful this year, to help offset the chaos. However, this was no easy task. We received over 100 submissions – a new record – and had so many wonderful films to choose from. We knew that we wanted one of our central themes to be Caribbean cinema, and we wanted to ensure that our film choices shared the voices of marginalized and underrepresented communities. We spent hours poring over each of our submissions, gravitating towards films that brought us joy or sparked hope. Cinema can serve as such a powerful influencer of emotions, and we wanted to use this power for good.


    JOIN US IN 2022!

    Inaugural aluCinArte 2022 - Latin American Arts Festival

    Mar 24 - April 3 2022

    Lucy Reddy -  Fundraiser & Partnership Coordinator 

    Andrea Castaneda - Festival Coordinator 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 51-100 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from C$1000 to C$4000

Gold Package

All Silver Tier benefits Verbal recognition during all our events Sponsor’s logo included in the festival trailer 20 VIP tickets for selected events

10 available

Bronze Package

Sponsor’s logo displayed on the festival’s website Sponsor’s logo displayed on the festival’s e- newsletters Sponsor’s logo displayed prior to film screenings Social Media Shoutouts 5 VIP tickets for selected events

10 available

Silver Package

All Bronze Tier benefits Sponsor’s logo included in the festival’s poster Sponsor’s logo included on the festival catalogue and press releases 10 VIP tickets for selected events

10 available

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