The Southern House of Wrestling, LLC
"The SHOW" is an all-inclusive Independent Professional Wrestling Entertainment Training Academy and Event provider. Located in Myrtle Beach, SC, "The SHOW" Time will entertain audiences year round, "The SHOW" Academy will train and produce All Star Elite Wrestlers.
Come and See "the SHOW"! You never know who's gonna "SHOW" up.
"the SHOW" is Myrtle Beach's premiere event for Independent Professional Wrestling.
Looking for an alternative to the ordinary vacation? "the SHOW" will provide an interactive environment that caters to children and adults alike.
Experience fast paced, high energy, enthusiastic "SHOW"manship. Audience interaction is encouraged and an integral part of "the SHOW". Chant, Cheer, Boo, Bring Signs, most important HAVE FUN! Without YOU we can't do what WE do!
Come and see the extraordinary "SHOW"men and "SHOW"girls!
Hello Friends,
As Myrtle Beach’s newest, independent, professional wrestling promotion, we are reaching out to you for support. Our goal is to unify our community by giving families a fun, safe, interactive, and affordable activity that is unique and exciting. In our first year we have established ourselves as a quality family friendly entertainment venue. Our attendance has grown by 15-20% each event.
The Southern House of Wrestling, LLC is an all-inclusive professional wrestling promotion suitable for all ages. Families across the Myrtle Beach area have the opportunity to spend an afternoon or evening enjoying a family friendly sports entertainment presentation with a price that is affordable for all.
Becoming a sponsor will expand your brand recognition. The Myrtle Beach market entertains over 14 million visitors domestic and internationally. The local market exceeding 500k in full time residents and another 200k are estimated to move to the Myrtle Beach area in the next 5 years. Partnering with The SHOW will identify your brand with the beach, vacation, professional wrestling and fond family memories.
In order to sustain low ticket costs, The SHOW needs your support by becoming a sponsor. Sponsorships will help us offset finances, expand advertising, promote community involvement and give your business the opportunity to be linked with the popular world of professional wrestling. Your sponsorship will give your business exposure to the vast amounts of vacationers and the local community.
This is an opportunity to support professional wrestling on a small scale in a huge market. Professional Wrestling’s popularity is at an all-time high with over 11 million fans in the US and 800 million worldwide. Sponsorships are considered an integral part of our support system and success. The included sponsorship packets gives you a wide range of options to assist The SHOW in our efforts to expand our reach. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship.
If you are aware of any location that would like to host an event, please contact us at *****@****.***.
Thank you ahead of time for your support and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
With over 20 years of independant wrestling experience, The SHOW staff is excited to bring independant professional wrestling to the Grand Strand. We are a team of professionals with experience in business management, in ring performances, training academy and promotion.
The SHOW’s target audience are families, students and professionals ages 12-45. Target audience insights show our demographic being 72% male and 28% female. Additional emphasis will be on making the SHOW a must see venue for the vacationing families. Our target is 12-20 individual events presented for FY2020.
Per year over 14 million people travel to the Myrtle Beach area. Statistics show the 75% of traveling vacationers are married couples. Of the married couples 48% are families with children. Over 60 miles of sandy beaches extending the coast of South Carolina makes Myrtle Beach one of the top vacation destinations year after year.
With a large student presence on the Grand Strand, showing approximately 30,000 local college students enrolled. Current Grammar, Intermediate, Middle and High School statistics show another 16,000 students whose parents are looking to find affordable entertainment and activities to interact with them. Add in the possibility of extended family in attendance and these numbers can go as high as triple.
The Show’s mission is to bring the entertainment to the public. We have scouted locations across Myrtle Beach and the surrounding area to use as venues. Having 8-10 different locations to perform means a larger target audience with a greater reach in the area.
Advertising will get you sponsorship recognition on over 360 miles of coastal highways and high traffic areas. Social media reach of 20,000 on Facebook, 10,000 on Instagram and over 5,000 target reach on all other platforms PER EVENT. Print media of over 10,000 handouts and 1,000 window posters per event. These numbers are based on our first year of advertising. Growth expectations are to double or triple this reach by 2021.
Adding in billboard, hotel, B to B additional handout, radio, TV and podcast advertising in the local market will increase the marketing reach to the consumer. Your support will help our target reach grow by at least 40%.
Any suggestions or requests can be considered and additional information supplied.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000 items are provided to sponsor for a period of One (1) Year. • Company Logo and contact link will be prominently listed as a top tier sponsor on website. • Prominent Logo placement on print advertisement – flyers, brochures, all media advertisement. • Logo placement on reverse side of event tickets • Logo placement on all SHOW merchandise • Logo placement on event program guides • Logo placement on (1) Promotional Video per event • Logo and Contact Link place on web site, Logo and special thanks promoted on all social media platforms. • 50 complimentary ticket good for 1 year of events. (Can be used as giveaways on Social Media/Radio/TV/Podcast/Contests with special recognition to sponsor) • Special mention by Announcer at each event with emphasis on supporting our sponsors.
3 available
All items are provided to sponsor for a period of Six (6) Months. • Logo placement on print advertisement – flyers, brochures, all media advertisement. • Logo placement on reverse side of event tickets • Logo placement on all SHOW merchandise • Logo placement on event program guides • Logo placement on (1) Promotional Video per event • Logo and Contact Link place on web site, Logo and special thanks promoted on all social media platforms. • 25 complimentary ticket good for 6 months of events. (Can be used as giveaways on Social Media/Radio/TV/Podcast/Contests with special recognition to sponsor) • Special mention by Announcer at each event with emphasis on supporting our sponsors.
5 available
All items are provided to sponsor for a period of Three (3) Months. • Logo placement on print advertisement – flyers, brochures, all media advertisement. • Logo placement on reverse side of event tickets • Logo placement on event program guides • Logo placement on (1) Promotional Video per event • Logo and Contact Link place on web site, Logo and special thanks promoted on all social media platforms. • 10 complimentary ticket good for 3 months of events. (Can be used as giveaways on Social Media/Radio/TV/Podcast/Contests with special recognition to sponsor) • Special mention by Announcer at each event with emphasis on supporting our sponsors.
10 available