Sat, Oct 14 - Sun, Oct 15 2023

The Pose Academy,

Washington, D.C., Distrito de Columbia, United States Washington, D.C., Distrito de Columbia, United States

  • About the event

    The Pose Academy
    It is the first and only academy specialized solely in teaching and deepening posing techniques, through a boutique master class taught by model and international expert, Amanda Lusant. The classes are smaller so that Amanda can customize the teachings for each participant individually during the 5 uninterrupted hours of Immersion in the universe of poses, transforming learning into a true and unique experience, which connects techniques, expressions and self-knowledge. That's why each participant is hand selected by Amanda herself. It is aimed at: women who want to learn to do better poses, models, photographers, entrepreneurs and influencers. The Pose Academy is present everywhere in the world, wherever your desire for evolution is.

    Why should you sponsor?

    Because it's a unique experience. Everyone wants to look beautiful in photos. Amanda Lusant has great engagement and the public has been asking for it for a long time. It is something innovative and may in the future become a case or a business model to be sold.

    Amanda Lusant

    Amanda Lusant is a Brazilian model, posing expert and digital influencer. She started her career as a model in 2013 at a renowned agency in her city, where she took posing and modeling courses, developing and improving her techniques posing for big brands in Brazil. In 2020, she became a digital influencer and later a reference in posing techniques through her internet tips and tricks. Amanda has revolutionized the way of posing with simple techniques and a unique way of teaching. Her main audience are women who want to look good in the photo, models who want to break into the market and photographers who want to improve their directing techniques in photo shoots. She was honored and recognized by the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of São Paulo in 2022 with the Princess Isabel Diploma, merit due to her influence, visibility and female empowerment. She is also the founder of The Pose Academy, the first physical academy in Brazil and in the world specialized exclusively in teaching posing techniques. She is a member of one of the Largest International Photography Teaching Communities in the World, Kelbyone. She has a Posing Program recorded in the United States, mentors pose mentors and has students in several countries around the world.

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  • 1-50 attendees expected

    0% Male Attendees

    100% Female Attendees

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