Fri, Aug 03 - Sun, Aug 05 2018

Taylorsville High School 30th reunion,

Taylorsville, Utah, United States Taylorsville, Utah, United States

  • About the event

    This is our High School Class of 1988 reunion. We want everyone to come and realize that some of us cannot due to financial reasons. To make the costs reasonable so both our alumni and familes can attend we need sponsors to help us with the cost. We have military families, single parent families, and other hardships. We are having a family park event on Friday August 3rd . Then on Saturday we have a tour of the high school and then a Gala that night at a local hotel followed up by a brunch Sunday morning for those who want to come or have stayed at the hotel. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    Sponsoring our event will allow you to help connect a community. We need this connection. In the past year we lost a classmate due to a senseless person running him over with his car because he stopped and tried to protect an innocent animal being beaten. The person retaliated and ran him down with a car. We have also lost alot of our classmates over the years but we do not seem to find out until these reunions. We need to laugh, cry, reminiss and have fun .We also need to make this possible for everyone who wants to. To put on this event alot of us have donated our own funds to get this started but it is a hardship on us also. We would appreciate the support.

    Heidi Hanzon

    I am on the committee organizing this event . I am Alumni

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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