Sat, Mar 09 - Sun, Mar 10 2024

Lines Of Code 6.0,

Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    Our hackathon is set to bring together hundreds of talented students and tech enthusiasts from across the country to participate in a 24-hour coding marathon. This event provides a unique opportunity for participants to showcase their skills, network with industry professionals, and create innovative solutions to real-world problems. We firmly believe that fostering creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills is vital for our student's and participant's future success in the tech industry.

    We are excited to announce that we are seeking sponsors for this event, and we believe that Softonic aligns perfectly with our mission and goals. By sponsoring our hackathon, your company will gain significant exposure to a highly engaged and tech-savvy audience, including students, professionals, and potential future talent. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    1. Talent Acquisition

    Hackathons are excellent venues for identifying and recruiting top talent, especially in software development, engineering, and other technical fields. Sponsors get direct access to a pool of innovative and skilled participants who are demonstrating their abilities in real-time.

    2. Brand Exposure and Promotion

    Sponsoring a hackathon can significantly increase brand visibility among a highly engaged and relevant audience. It's an effective way to promote your brand, products, or services to participants, spectators, and even a broader online audience, as these events often receive considerable attention on social media and industry press.

    3. Innovation and Product Development

    Hackathons can serve as a catalyst for innovation, providing fresh ideas and perspectives that can be invaluable for product development. Sponsors can pose real-world problems or challenges and invite participants to develop solutions, which can lead to breakthrough innovations or improvements to existing products and services.

    4. Community Engagement and Support

    By sponsoring a hackathon, companies and organizations can demonstrate their commitment to supporting the tech community and contributing to its growth. This engagement helps in building a positive image and can foster a sense of community goodwill, which is beneficial for long-term brand reputation.

    5. Networking Opportunities

    Hackathons bring together a diverse group of people, including developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and investors. Sponsoring such an event provides numerous networking opportunities, allowing sponsors to connect with potential partners, clients, or investors who are interested in the tech ecosystem.

    6. Market Research

    Participating in or observing a hackathon can offer deep insights into current trends, technologies, and user needs within the tech community. Sponsors can leverage these insights for market research purposes, helping them to stay ahead of the curve in their product development and marketing strategies.

    7. Employee Engagement and Skills Development

    Companies can also sponsor hackathons as a way to engage and develop their own employees. Participating in or organizing a hackathon can be a team-building experience and an opportunity for employees to sharpen their skills, think creatively, and innovate outside of their day-to-day work environment.

    8. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    Supporting educational initiatives and fostering innovation aligns with the CSR objectives of many organizations. Sponsoring hackathons, especially those focused on social issues or community development, can enhance a company's CSR profile.

    So in short :

    The decision to sponsor a hackathon should align with the sponsor's strategic goals, whether that's talent acquisition, innovation, branding, or community engagement. The unique, dynamic environment of a hackathon offers a platform for sponsors to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously, making it a potentially valuable investment.







    LOC 6.0 ‘s vision remains steadfast: to create a dynamic platform where technology enthusiasts can forge meaningful connections with mentors and engage with experts in their respective fields.

    The heart of the hackathon lies in its multifaceted mentoring approach to empower continuous learning. We have curated a distinguished panel of judges, representing diverse industries who will provide a spectrum of insights into the innovative solutions presented.

    LOC transcends the traditional boundaries of a hackathon, serving as a beacon of ideas, innovation, and collaboration to conceive unique solutions that hold the potential to make a positive societal change.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 251-500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from US$500 to US$750

Gold Tier

Problem Statement,Resume database,LinkedIn Links,Internship Fair,Judges during Presentation round,Present at opening ceremony Feature on Social Media, Logo on Website ,Honorable Mention ,Distribute Promotional Materials,Mention on posters and banners,Standees,Award a Prize ,App Downloads

1 available


LinkedIn Links, Internship Fair,Feature on Social ,Media Logo on Website,Distribute Promotional Materials, Mention on posters and banners, Standees, Award a Prize, App Downloads

1 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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