Sun, Feb 02 2020

Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival,

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

  • About the event

    We hereby introduce ourselves as Filmaholic Foundation a registered Trust in Bangalore , established in the year 2017, based in Bangalore, India, primarily involved in promoting films, arts and culture.

    Along with this, the Trust is also engaged in the field of social activities and empowerment of public and supporting children for education and creating awareness on environment to the people.

    Currently, we are launching Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival to be held on 2nd February 2020 & we invite you to associate with the event.

    Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival, a 1-day Festival being organized at Nayana Rangamandira, Bangalore, India offers an elaborate social networking platform designed to attract Filmmakers from India & abroad to Develop, Sell, Buy, Promote, Distribute, Learn, Teach, Watch & Participate.

    Entertainment    |     Hospitality    |   Academics

    Why should you sponsor?

    1. More than 1000 delegates day visiting the festival

    2. Digital | Radio | Print Campaigns

    Media Houses & Television Channels
    Aspiring Film Makers
    Critics & Cinephiles
    Film Clubs & Associations
    Content Buyers & Sellers
    Students & Academicians
    Exhibitors & Distributors
    Investors & Financial Institutes
    Production Houses & Independent Producers
    Industry Professional
    Journalists & Writers
    Tourism Departments
    Film Commissions & Trade Bodies
    Film Enthusiasts
    General Public

    5. Participating Countries at KYISFF-2020
    Sri Lanka

    6. Participating Indian States at KYISFF-2020
    Tamil Nadu
    Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
    West Bengal

    Aditya R.A.

    Filmaholic Foundation is a trust regstered in Bangalore in 2017 and been working for the upliftment and empowerment of public and youths regularly. We have done many programs like the Seed Ball program, Freedom Day Go Green Cyclathon for Youth, Distribution of Ayurvedic saplings to public for healthy environment, Medical Camp, Conducted Competitions in schools to encourage students co-curricular activities, Provided school kits to students during the recent flood in North Karnataka and also provided relief materials to the flood affected people also prganized film makinf workshop.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$200 to US$500

Bronze Package

Program: Name in festival program Website: Name on sponsor page

10 available

Silver Package

Program: Logo in festival program Website: Logo on sponsor page with click thru to your website Social Medias: Recognition on all social Medias Advertising: Logo on festival venue signage

10 available

Gold Package

GIFT VOUCHERS DISCOUNTS FOR FESTIVAL ATTENDEES Program: 1/4 Page ad in festival program Website: Logo on sponsor page with click thru to your website Social Medias: Recognition on all social Medias Advertising: Logo placement on festival ads, banners and venue signage On-Screen Pre-Roll: Logos on screen pre-roll footage YOUR BUSINESS WOULD BE ADVERTISED AT THE START OF EVERY SCREENING BLOCK AS “________PRESENTS THE FOLLOWING” AS WELL AS INCLUDED ON ALL FESTIVAL PROGRAMMING MATERIAL AS AN OFFICIAL SPONSOR. ​The above list is not exhaustive. If you believe that your company can add value to the KYISFF Community, please drop us a line at KYISFF@gmail.com with an outline of the proposed partnership and we will get in touch with you at the earliest opportunity.

10 available

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