The Izingqi ZamaQhawe NamaQhawekazi Marathon is an annual ultra-marathon that will run annually run East London. It will be a dedicated to be a signature event for September SA cultural month. The event will is gonna be a cultural festival to include all nations with embassies in South Africa.
The race in branded in South African traditions in recognition of animals and plants of significance and the race theme ‘Legacy Of Ubuntu”. We would contribute towards a fight against Cancer (Breast & Prostate).
The main race will run over sixty (60) kilometers. Will later include family health fun walk and run of not more than 5 km and fun run not more than 10 km.
The marathon will be run on the third (3) Saturday of September each year. The day will be used for the promotion of social cohesion, including promotion and preservation of SA diverse cultures.
Venue: Proposed host city is East London/Buffalo City Metropolitan.
It is noted that events hosted in the coast are highly attended not only by participants but also support tourists.
Recognised Race Categories
Putting your business in a global spotlight to the prominent attendees, positioning and displaying your products/services. Offers opportunity to be in front of your target audience directly and indirectly through media coverage. Better space to lead generation of new contacts with distribution of your organistional information before, during and after the event. Your brand will be noticed via distribution of gifts leverage on your sponsorship. Big opportunity to meet like minded business professionals and government decisions makers. You can give attendees first hand experience of your products and or services by engaging directly with your target group. This is an indirect opportunity to marketing leveraging on your sponsorship with no limit on your potential ROI
Name: Mlamli Archibold Futshane, South African ID: 6203176031080, Career Synopsis: Skilled and trained in Internal Auditing and practised in the finance management and control field, this includes localised skills obtain government based financial management such as Public Finance Management, Assets Management, COBIT5 on organisational processes. Experince in budgeting, procurement, bookkeeping, asset control, government and administration with clean record of twenty one (21) years.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer2 available packages from US$10400 to US$85800 exclusive rights to the Izingqi marathon event Entitled to use the designation “Official Sponsor” of the Izingqi race event. - The right to use the Izingqi marathon event logo. - Branding and advertising boards at event. - On Stage Boards or electronic branding. - Street/s branding around venue. - Entrance to venue branding.
5 available
Logo designation, Logo on TV, Shoutout on radion
5 available