Fri, Aug 23 - Fri, Aug 02 2024


Government Polytechnic Mumbai, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Government Polytechnic Mumbai, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
One Sponsor Confirmed
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  • About the event

    Event Highlights:

    - Quiz Competition: Test and enhance knowledge in instrumentation and related fields.


    - Paper Presentations: Showcase research and innovative ideas.


    - Project Showcases: Display cutting-edge projects developed by students.


    - Circuit Design Competition: Hands-on competition focusing on practical circuit design skills.


    Date : 23 August 2024

    Venue: Goverment Polytechnic Mumbai 

    Why should you sponsor?

    Benefits of Sponsoring Instrustine:

    - Brand Visibility: Prominent placement of Company's logo on all promotional materials, banners, and our event website, ensuring widespread visibility among attendees and the broader community.


    - Direct Engagement: Opportunity to interact with a targeted audience of students and professionals who are future leaders in technology and industry.


    - Community Impact: Showcase your commitment to supporting education, innovation, and community development.


    Please check the attached file for detailed partnership packages tailored to suit different levels of support.

    Pranit Patil

    I am Pranit Patil from Instrumentation department of Goverment Polytechnic Mumbai.I am the event head for the event that are organised by Instrumentation department 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$300 to US$800

Bronze Package

Logo on event Posters Mention in opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions (1 posts) Brand Banners (2) in place of compition

10 available

Silver Package

Logo on event Posters Logo on event Brochure Mention in opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions (3 posts) Brand Banners on each place of event(4 places) 3 Brand Banners will be placed in college campus

5 available

Gold Package

Logo on event Posters Logo on event Brochure Mention in opening and closing ceremonies Social media mentions (6 posts) Brand Banners on each place of event(4 places) 1 stall will be provided 4-5 Brand Banners will be placed in college campus

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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