Sun, Dec 31 - Mon, Jan 01 2024

Founders' Fest,

Lakdikapul, Hyderabad, Telangana, India Lakdikapul, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

  • About the event

    Founders’ Fest brings together the makers, builders, designers,
    entrepreneurs, doers and all the movers and shakers of the city,
    no matter how big or small, an opportunity to put their best
    work forward and the chance to win a grand sum of Rs.
    This is an opportunity to bring Hyderabad together to celebrate
    the spirit of entrepreneurship and bring out the founder in each
    one of us.

    Why should you sponsor?

    • 50,000+ EXPECTED FOOTFALL.









    • Physical and Online Advertisement:
      Title sponsorship includes both physical and online advertisements. This dual approach ensures brand's wide exposure.
    • Customised Video Campaigns (Title Sponsor): Create custom video campaigns that align with the brand's message and the event's theme. These videos will headline our promotional materials.
    • Free Large Stall: A large stall at the event, free of charge. Ideal for showcasing products or services, engaging with attendees, and generating leads.
    • Branding Visibility worth Rs. 1 Crore: Guaranteeing brand advertising exposure equivalent to Rs. 1 Crore on various platforms such as event banners, digital media, print materials, and more.
    • Special Mention for Sponsors: Sponsors will receive special mentions throughout the event. This includes acknowledgements during speeches, signage at the event, and mentions in the event program and marketing materials.
    • Post-Event Marketing: This includes mentions in postevent communications, on social media platforms, and in any press releases, news articles and after movie.
    • Stage Time: An opportunity to directly communicate with the audience, share brand's mission, products or services, and make impactful connections.
    • Video Display on Main Stage Screen: The promotional video will be displayed on a loop on the main stage screen, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement from the event attendees. Allowing for creative and memorable brand representation.
    • Guest Giveaways: Brand's logo or message can be incorporated into the design of these unique mementos
      that guests take home.
    • Influencer Endorsements: Arranging for popular influencers to endorse the brand during the event, thus expanding reach to their substantial follower base.
    • Email and WhatsApp Campaign: Your brand will be featured prominently in our Email and WhatsApp campaigns to our extensive network of participants and
      subscribers, thereby increasing your brand's visibility.

    Founders Fest

    EdVenture Incubation Foundation
    is India's first and largest
    student focused non-academic
    startup incubator for ideation
    and early stage startups.

    EdVenture Park’s Hardware lab
    is India’s fastest prototyping
    centre, specially designed to
    propel product-based startups

    at Technology Readiness Levels
    and quicken the process to its
    launch Hardware, IoT, Robotics
    and EV startups.

    C O H O R T S
    EACH WITH 25 IDEAS - 8 

    N U M B E R O F
    S T A R T U P S - 228

    R A I S E D
    I N V E S T M E N T S - 11

    A C H I E V E D  P O C - 35+ 

    L A U N C H E D
    S T A R T U P S - 50+

    W O M E N  L E D
    S T A R T U P S - 66%

    N U M B E R S
    O F  F O U N D E R S - 500+

    A M O U N T  I N V E S T E D  I N
    S T A R T U P S -  9.9 MILLION

    3 D  M O D E L S - 100+

    T E C H  P R O J E C T S - 15+

    P R O T O T Y P E  M A D E - 25+

    S T A R T U P S  I N C U B A T E D - 13

    E X T E R N A L  P A R T N E R S H I P - 4+

    S T U D E N T S  T R A I N E D - 200+

    M A J O R  P  R O J E C T S - 4

    3 D  P R I N T S - 150+

    Visit: https://edventurepark.com/

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 10000+ attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from US$40834


-Physical and Online Advertisement -Customised Video Campaigns (Title Sponsor) -Free Large Stall -Branding Visibility worth Rs. 1 Crore -Special Mention for Sponsors -Post-Event Marketing -Stage Time -Video Display on Main Stage Screen -Guest Giveaways -Influencer Endorsements -Email and WhatsApp Campaign

10 available

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