All posts in "Sponsorship as a Marketing Tool"

4 reasons why sponsorship is(n’t) the ugly duck of marketing

By Peter Poehle / a couple of years ago

I once attended a marketing event in New York. Being surrounded by marketing experts is truly a great thing, but I was stunned by their reaction when our discussions turned towards sponsorship. It was obvious that the marketing experts considered sponsorship to be a marketing technique below their “class”. Interesting enough to discover why sponsorship […]


Tools for sponsorship: Dropbox scanner app

By Peter Poehle / 6 years ago

In this series, we speak about tools that make sponsorship easier. We know that sponsorship is relational and that many processes can be optimized by using the right tools. Disclaimer: we are in no way affiliated to the products or services described and don‘t get any money whether you purchase or not the product or […]


Case Study: Modell’s X The Night Nation Run

By Peter Poehle / 7 years ago

There are plenty of 5k or 10k runs, marathons or semi-marathons out there. Yet none of these concepts is comparable to the concept The Night Nation Run introduced: combining lights, music, dj’s and … running. This concept is applied on a large scale with various events across the US and even on an international level. […]


5 Pitfalls That Turn Sponsors Off – from the etouches-blog

By Peter Poehle / 8 years ago

This guest-post from Peter Poehle has appeared on the etouches-blog: The success of a majority of events depends on sponsorships. Yet it’s surprising how often event organizers make crucial mistakes in attracting sponsors. At SponsorMyEvent, we review dozens of upcoming events every day and many are sent back or are denied to be featured on the […]


Why Toutapp’s Choice To Forego Event Sponsorship Doesn’t Make Sense

By Peter Poehle / 8 years ago

Recently, Toutapp’s founder Tawheed Kader went public with his decision to nix event sponsorship in the name of ‘operational ruthlessness’. At SponsorMyEvent we’ve heard this sentiment echoed over and over again when talking to marketers who are concerned that they won’t derive positive ROI from event sponsorship spend. Kader articulates a valid concern which is […]


How To Measure Event Sponsorship ROI With These Real Tactics

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Real Tactics You Can Use To Measure The ROI Of Event Sponsorship Event planners not only have to juggle logistics, attendees and venues, but organizers also have to convince sponsors that they will receive a reasonable return on their investment. This reward can have a monetary value but, more often, it’s measured by meeting objectives designed […]


Marketers, This Is How To Choose Events To Sponsor

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Marketers, Here’s How To Choose Events To Sponsor For many marketers, event sponsorship can be an overlooked channel. But for those marketers that have opened up their minds (and budgets) to the potential ROI that sponsorship can bring to their marketing programs, how do they spot the right events to sponsor? Look for event organizers […]


6 Reasons Why Event Sponsorship Is An Untapped Marketing Channel

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

There’s no doubt that brands believe in sponsorship on a mass scale. In their 2016 “What Sponsors Want” survey, IEG found that sponsorship spend is projected to continue its year-over-year growth with spending increasing 4.5 percent over 2015 to $60.2b in 2016. Yet despite the significant global spend on sponsorship, many marketers have a tough […]


Sponsorship basics #1: How to get clients in 6 steps

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Would you spend $5000 on a social-media campaign without really thinking about how to generate the highest ROI possible and to get clients? Surprisingly many companies don’t put the same efforts when it comes to event sponsorships. Sponsoring an event is a tremendous opportunity to get new clients. Most people love to go to events […]


5 ways to become a world class food sponsor

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

I admit that I love to go to events. I recently went to a series of amazing event in San Francisco and I couldn’t help sharing with other attendees a common feeling: hunger and thirst! Luckily these events provided amazing food – otherwise the ranks would probably have been considerably emptier. Now comes the tricky part: food doesn’t come for […]


Inbound marketing and sponsorship  – a dream team

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Since a few years there’s a magical word that electrifies marketing professionals: inbound marketing. “Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that bring visitors in, rather than marketers having to go out to get prospects’ attention. Inbound marketing earns the attention of customers, makes the company easy to be found, and draws customers to the website by producing interesting […]


5 reasons why companies hate to sponsor !

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

It’s the typical love-hate relationship that companies have with sponsorships: many of them simply hate to sponsor. But now open your eyes: globally in 2015 not less than $57BB will be spent on sponsorships. That’s a huge amount and still it’s surprising that this incredibly efficient marketing channel is not mentioned everywhere where people are […]


Guest post: Big Fish…. Little Fish

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Why sponsors should pay attention to smaller events… When organizations are looking to sponsor events, it’s easy to overlook smaller opportunities to  chase the larger events.  In doing so, organizations run the risk of being a small fish in a very big  pond, not to mention investing much larger sums of resources while not actually […]


Your sponsorship sucks! 5 mistakes sponsors make

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Let’s be honest: far to often corporate sponsorship is done completely wrong which results in a disappointing experience both for the organizer and the sponsor – and last but not least also for the attendees. We have left behind the times where it was sufficient to put a logo somewhere to catch the attention of the […]


Gadgets your sponsors will love. #1

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Fostering relationships with sponsors is tough. Providing them with clever ways to gain visibility is even harder. Are you out of ideas? SponsorMyEvent has collected 3 funny ideas that will certainly help you with your next event: The Social Drink Machine Getting drunk using Social Media ! Robofun have built a robotic bartender called The Social […]


Sponsorship 2.0 – new trends ahead

By Peter Poehle / 10 years ago

“This is the end of sponsorship as we know it!”. This might sum up quite well what’s going on right now in the sponsorship-industry: the way sponsoring is done is radically changing with the raise of new technologies and also new mindsets of sponsors. For many years, sponsorship has been seen as a pure way to generate […]


Leads and Traction through Sponsorship

By Peter Poehle / 10 years ago

Today every company wants to generate traction and leads. Uncounted books have been written about marketing and how to exploit various traction-channels. Yet surprisingly only few sources mention Sponsorship as a targeted and highly efficient way to unlock new leads and to generate traction. It seems that sponsorship is the Cinderella of marketing – even though […]