SponsorMyEvent launches “SponsorNow!” in April
Every event organizer knows the situation: the concept for the event is ready. The only thing missing now is MONEY. The solution for this is obvious: sponsors need to be found, contacted, convinced and heck yes, the whole paperwork needs to be done. And if finally a sponsor is convinced, an invoice needs to be written and send to the sponsor hoping that the money arrive asap.
Dude! That’s heavy stuff not only for occasional event organizers but also for seasoned event-agencies. Now there’s help in sight. We at SponsorMyEvent have spoken with many event organizers who signed up on our marketplace to find sponsors. We learned that discovering new sponsors is great, but in addition having a tool to manage relationships with sponsors organizers already know would simply be AWESOME.
So we went back to our drawing board and streamlined the workflow of SponsorMyEvent so that we can give organizers the best of both worlds. The result to be launched very soon is “SponsorNow!”, the solution for all those event organizers who have a pool of sponsors and want to streamline the contact with them AND in addition unlock new potential sponsors.
If you’re already curious you can sign-up to our waiting-list to be among the first to be informed when all is ready.
From scratch: Create your event
Using our event editor is easy and streamlined. Thousands of event organizers helped us over the last months to make the publication of events an easy thing. As we are Eventbrite-partners organizers can also easily import their events right away from Eventbrite.
All necessary details can be added here, including Youtube videos or a Twitter feed. Special attention is drawn to sponsorship packages which can be composed easily with the included drag-and-drop editor.
Ready, steady, go: Send your event to your sponsors
A list of sponsors can be imported and managed. But the best is yet to come: event organizers can customize their proposal for each sponsor individually or by creating groups of sponsors. Each sponsor or group will receive a tailor-made proposal with packages adapted to their expectations. It’s easy to apply discounts to sponsorship packages or even to create complete custom packages for sponsors.
Negotiation with sponsors become easy as well on SponsorMyEvent: You can react right away if a sponsor requests a modification of the proposal.
The moment of glory: Sign the contract & get paid
We know that paperwork can suck! That’s why we make it easy for you. You can either use our default contract which will suffice for most of the cases. Even better if you have your own contract: upload it and tag the relevant parts so that we can fill in the details of the sponsor and the chosen package.
After all negotiations are successfully concluded comes the moment of glory: you will receive the money. SponsorMyEvent facilitates this process to the max by integrating Stripe.com as a reliable partner. It has never been easier for organizers to accept credit-card payments for sponsors.
Most likely you’ll need files from your sponsors. No worries again: SponsorMyEvent includes a download section so that you can be sure that the files will be well received.
We know that having a lot of own sponsors is good, but discovering new ones is even better. That’s why every event that organizers publish SponsorMyEvent can be send out automatically to our constantly growing pool of matching sponsors.
SponsorNow! by SponsorMyEvent will launch in April.
About the author
Peter Poehle
CEO & Co-Founder of SponsorMyEvent