All posts in "Howto"

4 reasons why sponsorship is(n’t) the ugly duck of marketing

By Peter Poehle / a couple of years ago

I once attended a marketing event in New York. Being surrounded by marketing experts is truly a great thing, but I was stunned by their reaction when our discussions turned towards sponsorship. It was obvious that the marketing experts considered sponsorship to be a marketing technique below their “class”. Interesting enough to discover why sponsorship […]


Tools for sponsorship: Dropbox scanner app

By Peter Poehle / 6 years ago

In this series, we speak about tools that make sponsorship easier. We know that sponsorship is relational and that many processes can be optimized by using the right tools. Disclaimer: we are in no way affiliated to the products or services described and don‘t get any money whether you purchase or not the product or […]


Know Your Sponsor (KYS) Part 2: View Sponsors as Investors

By Peter Poehle / 7 years ago

This blog post appeared as a guest post on the etouches blog Surprisingly often, event organizers consider their sponsors as cash cows instead of what they actually are: partners who contribute to the success of their events. I am very active both in the startup scene as well as in the world of events and sponsorship, and […]


Know Your Sponsor (KYS) Part 1: ROI

By Peter Poehle / 7 years ago

This blog post appeared as a guest post on the etouches blog Recently the marketing director of a company told me: “We’ve experimented with sponsorship opportunities in the past and haven’t found them to be the most effective strategy for reaching new supporters. While they certainly have let us reach some new customers, we’ve found that other […]


The truth about how to find sponsors

By Peter Poehle / 8 years ago

Many of our organizers reach out to SponsorMyEvent with a very clear expectation: they want to find sponsors with the least effort possible. That’s an approach I can perfectly understand. Yet it’s the wrong approach. Finding sponsorship is a though business which cannot be done effortlessly.


Event Sponsorship Inspiration: Dreamforce Event Sponsorship Prospectus

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

As annual mega-conference and expo Dreamforce wraps in San Francisco this year, we’d like to share a bit of inspiration from the digital side of their event management: the Dreamforce 2016 event sponsorship prospectus. This 41-page .pdf behemoth is something for all #eventprofs to behold: it’s a beautiful document, well-crafted in terms of information flow […]


A Quick Guide To Identifying Your Target Sponsors

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Who Will Sponsor My Event? One of the biggest challenges that event organizers face in acquiring sponsors for their event is how to identify potential event sponsors. It’s shocking how many event organizers aren’t clear on who their prospective sponsors are and why it’s important; without sample sponsor personas, it’s impossible to market your event […]


The 7 Questions Event Sponsors Are Going To Ask You

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Event Sponsors Will Ask These 7 Questions: Don’t Get Tripped Up! It’s a well-documented fact that event planners have to wear many, many different hats as part of their role, which can sometimes include taking on sales responsibilities when it’s time to find sponsors. It’s important to be prepared for those conversations so we’ve put together […]


How To Sell Event Sponsorship In 2016

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

What Event Organizers Must Do To Successfully Sell Event Sponsorship In 2016 And Beyond Events have long been a marketing channel for brands to grow their market share through exposure to highly engaged audiences. The problem is that event marketing has lagged behind other marketing channels in terms of performance tracking and as a result, […]


How To Ask For Sponsorship For Your Event

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Unless you’re a born salesman, it can be incredibly painful to pick up the phone, dial up a stranger and pitch them on sponsoring your event. This post will teach you how to ask for sponsorship. Write An Elevator Pitch For Your Event Most of us have had to give an elevator pitch to concisely […]


Sponsorship Ideas That Event Planners Can Steal From Brand Activations

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Event sponsorship is often seen as overpriced logo placement. But, it’s very similar to the model that household name brands leverage with brand activations at major international events like Lollapalooza, SXSW and Cannes. So how can event planners repurpose the ideas behind these activations to fit the scale of their own events and the budgets […]


How To Create An Event Sponsorship Prospectus That Sells

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

A sponsorship prospectus can make or break your event’s bottomline if you’re planning to rely on the budget that can come from sponsorship revenue. The most important thing to remember is that you’re selling something beyond your event — you’re selling the value that a sponsor can derive from choosing to sponsor your event. Give […]


How To Design Irresistible Event Sponsorship Packages

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

The success of your event sponsorship sales is highly dependent upon how the packages are designed. Prospective sponsors should be able to quickly digest the packages and have a clear understanding of the value they’ll receive for the cost of the offerings. The right mix of both of these elements can result in irresistible event […]


Getting Started: Acquiring Sponsors For Your Event

By Kathleen Smith / 8 years ago

Whether you’re planning a usergroup event for a startup, an endurance race competition or an annual fundraiser for a nonprofit, you’ll almost certainly need sponsors regardless of what type of event you’re hosting. Sponsors can bring cachet to your event, help offset costs and even help drive registration or attendance. But where can you find […]


Artwork – Giftwrap your Event

By Peter Poehle / 8 years ago

We don’t want you to spend hundreds of dollars hiring a designer for a custom-made logo for your event. But please, don’t let your event stand naked. We at SponsorMyEvent see way too many events popping up without any logo or visual at all. That’s a wasted opportunity, especially as the logo will be the […]


4 Ways to Promote My Event

By Peter Poehle / 8 years ago

Why craft an award winning description, a gorgeous video and a brilliant logo if no sponsor ever gets to know about your event? This would be nothing but a terrible waste of resources!  Many organizers ask us: how to promote my event? The answer: you need to shout it out. And you need to shout it […]


5 ways to become a world class food sponsor

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

I admit that I love to go to events. I recently went to a series of amazing event in San Francisco and I couldn’t help sharing with other attendees a common feeling: hunger and thirst! Luckily these events provided amazing food – otherwise the ranks would probably have been considerably emptier. Now comes the tricky part: food doesn’t come for […]



By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

Finally, we have released our first EBook with the title “How to find sponsors”. The book is a guide for all event organizers how to prepare their quest for sponsorships. It covers the following topics: Description first: Dress to impress A video for your event: a movie says more then … The power of sponsor-packages […]


Manage YOUR sponsors with SponsorMyEvent

By Peter Poehle / 9 years ago

SponsorMyEvent launches “SponsorNow!” in April Every event organizer knows the situation: the concept for the event is ready. The only thing missing now is MONEY. The solution for this is obvious: sponsors need to be found, contacted, convinced and heck yes, the whole paperwork needs to be done. And if finally a sponsor is convinced, an […]


5 tips: How to land an event sponsorship

By Peter Poehle / 10 years ago

They are inseparable and yet it is not always a love match: Event organizers and sponsors. The fact is that most events are dependent on sponsorships. Fact is also: sponsors are always looking out for interesting events to promote their products, services, or brand to the right target group. When searching for the right sponsor, […]


The power of Sponsorship Packages

By Peter Poehle / 10 years ago

Showcasing an event well is key to find a sponsor. Unfortunately the bad news is that many ambitious event organizers with brilliant events spoil their chances to catch sponsors because of a bad presentation. Many events that we receive at for publication are first put on hold because either the sponsorship packages are not […]